Our key stakeholders 

We recognise their needs and priorities, regularly engage with them and work to establish deeper relationships. Our stakeholders are crucial to the success of our Company and our long-term profitability.


The people who use our products and services


Organisations that purchase our data assets, technology solutions and analytics

Our communities

People who live in the areas where we operate

Our people

Everyone we employ

Our suppliers

Those who supply goods or services to us directly


Institutions and policymakers in our regions

Our shareholders and bondholders

Current and potential owners of Experian shares and bonds


Consumers are at the heart of what we do — they use our products and services to monitor their financial status, protect themselves from identity theft, and to shop for credit and insurance offers in our marketplaces.


free members across the USA, Brazil, UK and Spanish Latin America


conversations with consumers

Woman sat on the sofa at home looking at her phone smiling

How we add value

We put people in control of their financial well-being. We help them to access many financial services such as obtaining credit, saving money and paying bills. Because consumer data is at the core of our business, consumers need a company they can trust with that data and who will be their champion. Not only do we serve consumers directly, but our clients, whether they’re businesses or other organisations, serve consumers as their end customer. This is why consumers are at the heart of all we do.

Our consumers need access to credit services and data security; they need protection from fraud and identity theft; and they need high-quality, accurate data to monitor and manage their credit status.

We reach and support consumers through multiple channels and services. We engage them through: 

  •  Day-to-day interactions on our free apps and platforms provide financial education, savings, payment services, debt renegotiation tools and free Experian credit reports online, as well as other products and services
  • Contact centres to address customer concerns on a range of issues, from access to credit to amending data on their credit file to helping to support people who are victims of identity theft
  • Outreach through our consumer education programmes, Experian Education Ambassadors, consumer experience programmes and consumer councils
  • Marketing campaigns and media relations activities
  • Social media channels that feature #CreditChat campaign, CreditChatLive events and Experian News
  • Our AskExperian blog


Our B2B clients are organisations that purchase our data assets, technology solutions and analytics.


clients globally


credit decisions facilitated

Male chef stood in the kitchen in front of the oven, looking into the camera

How we add value

We work hard to get to know our clients. We want to delight them, so we stay in tune with the issues and concerns they have and help them solve their problems. Whether that’s so they can gain faster, smarter insights from customer data; protect against fraud; or deliver more efficient, more personalised services to their customers using our sophisticated solutions.

Our clients want to enhance the services they offer — typically digital interactions. They need high-quality and accurate data to identify their customers and prevent fraudulent transactions, protect their data security, and meet compliance and regulatory requirements.

Our sales, product and support teams offer day-to-day engagement with our clients. In addition, we also run:

  • Client-relationship and Net Promoter Score surveys
  • Webinars, advisory boards and conferences 
  • Customer experience programmes to help monitor our clients’ expectations. 

We help clients address their pressing challenges at our DataLabs and we provide regular opportunities for clients to explore how they can use data to address the latest market trends.

Our communities

We consider all those who live in the areas where we operate to be our communities.


people reached through social-innovation projects


total spent on our community investment

Black mother and three children having dinner together at home

How we add value

We are helping people, across many communities, access credit and other financial services that they can use to take control of their financial circumstances and improve their lives. Our businesses support local economies in the areas in which we operate through employment and paying taxes. By helping businesses prosper, we enhance their potential as local employers.

All our communities need business success as this leads to employment and job creation. They need access to public services, long-term asset creation, inclusion in mainstream financial services and products and a healthy environment to live in.

We engage them through:

  • Our core products, such as Experian Boost and Experian Go, and social innovation products (e.g., Limpa Nome) that help improve financial li
  • Working with NGO partners and our United for Financial Health programme (UFH) 
  • Direct community investment, charity partnerships and sponsorship, with a strong focus on initiatives that support financial education and management
  • Employee volunteering and technical support for charities, including gifts in kind and pro bono work
  • Advise and support local community efforts
  • Campaigns to raise awareness of topics relevant to communities

Our people

We are committed to providing an inclusive, inspiring and supportive environment for our amazing team of 22,000 people worldwide, because they strive every day to make our company great.




employee engagement

Two caucasian females and one caucasian male walking and talking with a lit up Experian logo in the background.

How we add value

We’re committed to our people. We support a positive, collaborative, diverse, equitable and inclusive culture and do all we can to make Experian a great place to work, where every person can bring their whole self to work. We listen to our people's views and value their feedback. We celebrate great performance and offer employees support to learn new skills and progress their careers, giving them a sense of purpose — an integral part of our organisational culture that has a positive impact globally.

Everyone who works at Experian needs to feel valued for their contribution and to feel supported, especially when working remotely. They need to feel they make a difference to society and can contribute to our engaging and empowering culture. They also want job security and career progression, backed by training and development.

A range of initiatives maintain open communication with our people — including regular performance discussions and surveys, networking opportunities and an employee helpline.

We have a ‘people first’ culture. We listen to our people’s views and value their feedback. In response to our regular engagement surveys (Pulse and Great Place to Work), we share practical suggestions through our enterprisewide communication platform, Horizon. 

Every quarter, our CEO, CFO and COO host global meetings alongside our results sessions where all colleagues are invited to ask questions on any topic related to the business. In addition to this, we have:

  • Regular internal communication and performance reviews with managers
  • Surveys for new joiners and leavers
  • Networking opportunities
  • Employee Resource Groups
  • Employee assistance helpline
  • Feedback opportunities via the feeback.me tool
  • Confidential hotline

Our suppliers

Our suppliers are those businesses that have a direct contractual relationship with us to supply goods or services.


suppliers in our three largest markets


key suppliers in our Supplier Relationship Management programme


How we add value

Closer relationships with our suppliers, enabled through partnerships and fairness, help us to uncover and realise new value, increase savings and reduce costs and risk of failure, as well as ensuring that we meet our compliance obligations. Many of our data contributors are also our clients. They often supply us with data through a give-to-get model. Our ability to combine, clean, sort and aggregate data from thousands of data contributors creates a more complete picture of consumer or business interactions across markets.

Our suppliers value long-term, collaborative, trusted relationships with us — relationships that bring them business opportunities. They also want to mitigate market and financial risks and meet regulatory requirements and our environmental, social and governance (ESG) expectations.

Our formal procurement process, Supplier Relationship Management programme and supplier-facing website are our key methods of communication with suppliers. 

We also engage with them through:

  • Our Third-Party Supplier Risk Assessment process
  • Assessment and training focused on reducing the risk of modern slavery among key suppliers 
  • A Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) to understand their contribution to our Scope 3 emissions 


We include governmental institutions and policymakers in all our regions in this stakeholder group.


consumer credit history and repayment records


reduction in scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions since 2019



Older business woman stood next to a window in an office holding a tablet device looking into the camera

How we add value

Operating in a complex and evolving regulatory environment globally, we aim to maintain a positive and proactive engagement strategy with governmental institutions and policymakers in all our regions. This is because we enable the transparent flow of data that’s essential to the functioning of modern economies and the financial ecosystem. High-quality data coupled with advanced analytics reduces risk to lenders, improves processes and helps reduce fraud. It enables people to make informed decisions about their finances. The economy benefits with improved access to credit, improved market competition, increased diversification of financial products available and reduced cost of credit.

Governments look to address any concerns they might have about generating prosperity and managing economic cycles.

In addition, they also focus on compliance with regulation, managing issues with consumers and businesses and supporting their stakeholders’ financial well-being. They need to mitigate impacts of and, where possible, reverse, climate change.

We monitor regulations and put in place policies and processes to ensure compliance. 

Our Board and Audit Committee reporting includes legislative and regulatory matters as well as relevant government affairs matters. 

We take part in events to communicate the role we play in supporting an innovative, regulated data industry. 

We engage with policymakers to inform the development of appropriate legislation and participate in multi-stakeholder engagement for policy consultation.

We maintain constructive relationships with policymakers, including regular interaction with members of senior management. We respond to public consultations on issues relevant to our business and we also engage with various organisations to address societal challenges.

Our shareholders and bondholders

All our current and potential owners of Experian’s shares and bonds are in this stakeholder group.


Return on capital employed


Benchmark earnings per share

Business woman smiling and shaking someones hand in an office

How we add value

We aim to create value for current and potential owners of Experian’s shares and bonds through organic and inorganic investments that grow our position in our chosen markets. We balance this investment with shareholder returns, dividend payments and share repurchase programmes when appropriate — all while ensuring we meet our wider sustainability commitments. This creates long-term, sustainable value for our shareholders and bondholders.

Shareholders and bondholders need to understand our strategic direction, financial performance and the sustainability of our business. They also need to understand our management and incentive structures, and to ensure that they’re investing in a business committed to environmental progress and societal benefit, and with strong governance. Above all, they need to be confident of sustainable investment returns.

We build relationships with our shareholders through our investor relations programme. During our quarterly live financial updates, we inform analysts, investors and other interested parties about Experian’s financial and strategic progress. Investors can ask questions during these sessions and can also access all results-related information, including transcripts, on our website. We engage with bondholders to answer any queries when they arise and organise focused update meetings prior to bond issuance.

We hold face-to-face meetings and run teach-ins to educate investors about our business and ESG commitments. The Chair of the Board meets our largest shareholders to discuss developments in ESG and other material issues. We regularly collect investor feedback and share this with management and the Board to ensure our shareholders' views are well understood. We’ve used feedback from investor meetings to improve our communication with shareholders as well as our ESG reporting.

In addition to this, we also publish regular updates and reports, and we run meetings and roadshows and regular investor surveys.

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Our purpose

We create a better tomorrow for consumers, businesses, our people and our communities.

Our history

Experian has a long and storied history, with roots dating back to 1826.

Board and Group Operating Committee

Meet the team leading our journey towards creating a better tomorrow.


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